Sunday 23 February 2014

Brunette to Blonde...(but really just a lighter brunette)

Hey, I posted about wanting to get my hair cut like last year and never posted about my new hair doo. I actually took the plunge and got it done.

So, I never mentioned in the previous post about my hair that I get extreme nerves going to the hairdressers...this is why

Ok so just one of my bad experiences was when I went to a hairdresser to get a front fringe. At the time I had a side fringe, quite long down the right of my face. After sitting for a while enduring the pain of those thinning, comb scissors I was done and it was time to look in the mirror at the finished result. Well...I didn't get a front fringe what I got was a slightly shorter side fringe than I'd come in with but on the OTHER SIDE OF MY FACE. That is just one reason why I get nervous going to get my hair done.

Before photo, I've edited it so you can see just my hair. I am pale but not quite that pale!! haha

This time I told my hairdresser to take off what I needed to give my hair a good shot at being healthy again. It was a very brave move on my part, I think so anyway. I also gave her the photo of Reese Witherspoon of the style of fringe I liked. Which thank goodness I got.

After this trip to the hairdressers I was so sad  about the length of my hair, I miss my long hair so much that every time I see a photo of my hair before it was chopped off I genuinely regret getting it cut!
    I got gift vouchers from my brother's girlfriend to get my hair done for Christmas but because I had just gotten it cut I decided I was going to go Blonde for a complete change buuuutttt... because of my luck with getting my hair done, I came out with highlights instead. They do make a slight difference to my hair though, kind of lightened it up a bit. In the end I like the style of my hair other than it being super short now.

The After photo

That was one of my hair disaster stories but trust me I have had much worse, have any of you actually wished you had cut your hair yourself?


I have been awfully absent from this blog after only just starting it and I feel guilty for not blogging. Lots of things have been going on and still are. I am very busy with college, work and college work; it gets quite stressful for me (and I'm already a stressed out person). But I am going to make the effort to blog more often.

My last post was shamefully before Christmas about my plan to decorate my house with Disney! Now, we did try, honestly me and my mum were sitting at kitchen table colouring in Minnie and Mickey Christmas pictures...Which I loved!! But unfortunately we didn't have enough stuff to make it look good so instead we went totes traditional and decorated with gold and red, it was actually lovely.

I realise now that reading back on my very few posts, I never followed through with what I said about finding a winter coat, new hair cut, Christmas presents and Christmas decorations, all of which did change and were maybe I'll catch up now.

Anyway, I haven't really been up to anything exciting so the nothing on my blog is actually what has being going on with me, Sad eh?!

I will make more of an effort xo