Monday 31 March 2014

At least I didn't fall again...

I tried fake tan and high heels again. 'Gaaasssppppppp'....I know.

Every time I have a night out I usually just wear skin coloured tights because plain black ones are too casual and I'm not brave enough to bare my legs and I wear the exact same shoes which are black wedges but not very high.

I never use fake tan because from past experiences it does not end well, my best friend used to do my fake tan for me seen as she used to live in the flat next to mine but she's moved out and I am now left dealing with my paleness and wearing granny tights!

I wear the same shoes that aren't very high because on my very first night out in town when I turned 18 I wore these gorgeous red heels that were a lot higher than I realised. I usually wore high heels anyway so I didn't think they were any different but they were, a lot different. Anyway I ended up twisting my ankle and getting stuck in the first club that I went into because I couldn't move as my ankle wouldn't straighten. Ever since then I have been too scared to wear high heels in case it happens again.

Google'd disaster in heels, and found this which is exactly what my ankle looked like...
On Saturday night I had a works night out and then I was going to a bar where I was meeting up with some other people. I bought a new dress from New Look, a hot red, shift dress style and I wanted to look nice and done up for a change so...I decided to fake tan...and wear my old favourite high heels (black, satin, peep toe, stilettos).

I bought a fake tan that said it was 'instant', appeared straight away and was streak free. So I put it on a couple of hours before I was suppose to leave but when I put it on it was going on so light that I couldn't even see it. I still looked as pale as Casper the ghost. I decided to put on a few more layers of the fake tan but it still didn't show up and I still had white legs! But it was too late at this point and I had to leave to catch the bus into town. Once I got on my bus I looked down at my legs and they were really dark and looked orange. I almost squealed out loud, not the good kinda squeal.

Found this on google, exactly what I think I am going to look like every time I try to fake tan!

I only found out later that although its instant it takes time to develop and will show up after a couple of hours...they should really put that in big writing on the front of the bottle. It actually didn't end being that much of a concern for me considering I had one too many vodkas and had to take myself home in a taxi and put myself in bed by 12, OOPS! I did manage my first debut back in high heels though and have got my shoe confidence back. Trying hard lately to have a glass half full kind of attitude, so keeping my shoes on and my ankle straight filled my glass.

Blether about more of my disaster another time, until then...

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