Tuesday 11 March 2014

£%$^* Oh, OUCH *&%£$

I don't think I have said enough about myself for people to know that I'm not a 'sporty' person. But really all you would have to do is meet me to realise that I'm not sporty because I guarantee I would fall over my own feet before I reached you to say "Hello".

I always say that I don't run...I will skip, walk, speed walk or gallop but I will not run and there is a good reason for that. When I attempt to run my legs disagree with what's happening and trip me up (sometimes its just a step that I have tripped over) but it's not my fault!

The other day it was pouring down rain and I decided to run from the car to the shelter to save my straightened hair but my legs claimed they were having none of that, and gave in as I tripped over a big step and ripped my GOOD JEANS from River Island which cost me £40 (which I think is expensive, as you know I'm a Primark girl). I also grazed my knee and now I have a black bruise!

I am definitely not a sporty person because I refuse to run and my hand/eye coordination is awful...I am just ALL ROUND CLUMSY. I have always been really clumsy, I actually won an award for the most clumsiest person at my primary school prom. Some times the clumsiness goes away for a wee while then BAM and I hit the floor.

<<< Yep, I couldn't have said it better.

It's kind of weird though because I done all types of dancing (cheerleading, majorettes, disco, hip hop, gymnastics) when I was younger and if I say so myself, I wasn't terrible at it...I still have my trophies, they're in my mum's wardrobe!
 These are the jeans that do not look like that anymore, I pinched this photo of river island website, mine have a hole in the knee

Anyway I am still gutted about my good jeans, every girl has a pair of good jeans because they either just sit right, are so comfy, hide a multitude of sins, go with any top/shoes, make your butt look ace, land your legs slim and if you are really lucky you will find a pair of jeans that does all of the above, my RI ones were almost perfect but now they are just holy...
So, Any advice on where to get a pair of great jeans that meet all of the above criteria, please tell me...in skirts & dresses until then.
                                                                 Blether again soon

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