Wednesday 2 April 2014

Tell me something

I really love to read. When I was at high school, I always had a book in my bag. At break times I would go up to the top of the school where no one went, sit down and read my book for the 15 minutes I had before classes started again. Going up there and reading was like a wee escape where I could delve into the lives of the characters in my book.

My favourite book to date is called 'Tell Me Something' and its by Adele Park. Its an amazing book about a young woman, Elizabeth who falls in love with a gorgeous Italian man, Roberto.

They get married and move to Italy, But they have a few problems that really test their marriage. A foreign country, a different language and a mother in law who makes the postman feel more welcome and Elizabeth is left feeling a wee bit useless.

There are a lot more brilliant twists to the story but I won't ruin it by telling you because it is a lot better to read the book and feel as if you're living her life with them in Italy. Its romantic, funny, emotional and I couldn't put it down, buy it borrow it or read it while you're in the book store, just one of the amazing books by Adele Park.

Here's a link to the book on amazon

I've added a link to buy the book on amazon in case someone does fancy giving it a read. I have read a few of Adele Park's books including; Love Lies, Husbands and Playing Away, I liked them all but Tell me something was my favourite!

This Christmas I got a kindle paperwhite from my mom, I love it but I have only read one book on it since I got it because I don't seem to get any time to read which makes me really sad because I love to, I love when you can't put it down because you're dying to turn the next page and find out whether she gets caught or he gets the girl (in my kind of books anyway).

Its so light and small, I love it!

Oh did I mention you can get super pretty covers for them too
For anyone who loves to read but doesn't yet have a kindle I would definitely recommend it. Although I haven't used mine much yet I love it. It's so light and easy to use, I did love reading an actual book but they're heavy to carry in your handbag, they're awkward to hold when you are trying to read in bed or when you're near the end and then once you're finished with it you have to find somewhere to put it or someone to give it too. ALSO books are cheaper!

What's your favourite book? Any books that you recommend I should read?
tell me something...
See what I did there, hehe


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