Wednesday 13 November 2013

Coca Cola Made it Official

Dear Santa,

I would like to save money

this Christmas please…
The Coca Cola advert has been on TV which officially means that Christmas is Coming!

Normally I dread when people start to speak about Santa’s visit because of the money that is spent but this Christmas I am going to be trying everything that I can to save some money but still give people thoughtful & great gifts. Here is one of my ideas that I will be trying this year –

I first thought of buying empty jam jars but I couldn’t find any that were cheap enough so I waited until my mum burned her candles which come in jars and I washed them out and peeled away the label.
Once I have got the jar I am going to fill it with each person’s favourite sweets. One of my aunties loves jelly beans so hers will be filled with them but half way through filling the jar up I am going to hide a piece of jewellery in a cute wee box, not something really expensive, probably something from a jewellery maker I know.
Then to finish it off I am going to tie a piece of ribbon (their favourite colour) round the top with a small card with a quote that explains our relationship. I don’t know if it’s really cheesy or not but I think it’s really meaningful and that’s exactly the type of gifts I like to give.



I’ll hopefully be going to macro this weekend to get sweeeeeeets. Once I’ve done my first one I will post some photos of the finished result.

Blether again soon...


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