Monday 11 November 2013

Its a Wee Bit Cold Outside

My hands are turning blue, my lips are cracking and my hair is static…WINTER IS HERE in SCOTLAND!  *when is it not*
It is getting a wee bit cold outside and as I am almost always cold, I have been freezing half to death every time I step out the door. I have been looking everywhere for a coat but I can’t find one I like… I want a longish one, long enough to cover my bum but not down to my knees, I want it to nip in at the waist and I want it to be proper coat material, NOT something with the label of being a “coat” for 80 odd pound which in reality is an overpriced cardigan!
<< Something a little like this
Nahhh, I live in Scotland I need something that’s made of armour or at least cosy.
I tried to sew some extra buttons onto a coat I have had for like 4 years and it looked fine but as soon as I took it off in college a button fell off.
The button went into my purse so I could get my mammy to sew it back on for me but by the end of the day there were more buttons in my purse than coins.

I never found my dream coat but got three cosy enough ones for the price of one…Bargain

Blether again soon,

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